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Suboxone® (Buprenorphine) Treatment

What is Buprenorphine and How Does it Treat Opioid Dependence?

Suboxone®, a brand-name drug containing buprenorphine and naloxone, is one of the most effective and commonly used buprenorphine medications for treating opioid use, dependency and addiction. Approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in 2002, it is at the forefront of medication assisted treatment for opioid dependence. That’s why we use buprenorphine therapy as part of our individual treatment plans for patients.  Along with medication, we combine a variety of therapies and treatments in order to achieve the best possible outcome for each patient. Your success in taking control of your life is our focus and our shared goal with you.  As part of this approach, we include physician-supervised, Suboxone treatment to control and ultimately eliminate withdrawal and cravings.

Suboxone can be administered as a sublingual film — a small strip of medicated film applied inside the cheek or under the tongue, where it continues to release a steady dose until replaced. The medication binds to the same receptors that are activated by opioids, thereby blocking or minimizing their effects in the body.

Suboxone is prescribed to reduce and eliminate the cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with detoxification. It’s designed to alleviate the burden of withdrawal symptoms for patients, so that they’re freed up to focus more fully on recovery.

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How Does It Reduce Withdrawal Symptoms?

The unique pharmacological properties of Suboxone enable it to reduce symptoms encountered during opioid withdrawal treatment. When initiated in a state of mild to moderate withdrawal, Suboxone will relieve your symptoms. Many patients state that they feel “normal” after initiating the medication.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Repeatedly shown to provide the best method for treating opioid dependency, MAT significantly outperforms other forms of opioid treatment when used as part of a comprehensive program, such as those that rely on counseling alone.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) serves two critical purposes in treating patients:

Buprenorphine medications used by NEMG include:

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