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Frequently Asked Questions

What is addiction?

Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease of the brain. This means simply that when using drugs or alcohol, those with the disease are unable to stop, even if they want to. Instead, the urge to continue taking their drug of choice overwhelms them, even if the drug is causing them harm. Addiction is characterized by not only the inability to abstain from use for any significant length of time, but also an inability to control the amount taken when using. Additional symptoms can include the loss of behavioral control, cravings, physical withdrawal, inability to recognize the problems caused by use and inability to effectively manage almost all aspects of life.

What are opiates?

Opiates are a group of drugs that are used for treating pain. They are derived from opium which naturally occurs in the poppy plant, and are also created synthetically to replicate the effects of natural opiates. They go by a variety of names including opiates, opioids, and narcotics. The term opiates is sometimes used for close relatives of opium such as codeine, morphine and heroin, while the term opioids is used for the entire class of drugs including synthetic opiates such as OxyContin. While the terms are used interchangeably, the most common is opiate.

Why is opioid addiction a disease?

While many people consider opioid addiction a result from lack of control, in reality, it is a complex disease. Opioid addiction causes physical and psychological changes that require medical treatment. The first time someone uses an opiate, the drug impacts certain receptors in the brain and the process of physical addiction begins. With ongoing opioid use, the brain begins to rely on opioids instead of the natural chemicals it produces. When addiction develops, the person requires opiates to avoid physical withdrawal symptoms. There are also psychological needs that are met by the use of opioids making it a multi-faceted disease.

What is medication-assisted treatment (MAT) with buprenorphine?

At New England Medical Group, we provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs that involve the medication buprenorphine. Buprenorphine, and buprenorphine compounds like Suboxone®, target the brain's opioid receptors to relieve withdrawal symptoms. A comprehensive MAT program, such as New England Medical Group’s, also includes counseling and case management. With their opioid addiction symptoms addressed with medication, MAT patients can develop recovery skills in counseling. MAT has years of evidence supporting its effectiveness in treating people with opioid addictions.

Will buprenorphine cure my opioid addiction?

While there is no “cure” for addiction, buprenorphine and buprenorphine compounds with naloxone, such as Suboxone®, can help individuals overcome their opioid addiction to lead more satisfying, productive lives. The medications prevent withdrawal symptoms and manage cravings so that patients can focus on working with counselors to address the causes and consequences of addiction, and learn positive tools to help them manage their lives. For more information about individualized treatment plans and how the medication works in the brain, visit our Suboxone Treatment page. Buprenorphine is what is called a partial agonist, which means it does not activate receptors to the same level as methadone. The effects felt have a ceiling, meaning they will not reach an excessively high level, no matter how much the dose is increased so are more difficult to abuse. Suboxone® contains naloxone, which acts as an antagonist blocking other opioids. Suboxone®, like other buprenorphine compounds, suppresses withdrawal symptoms and cravings while blocking other opioids, rendering it an effective treatment for opioid dependency.

Methadone is a full opioid agonist with no ceiling effect. This is similar to the way heroin impacts the brain as it is also a full agonist. Methadone can be more easily abused, and it is possible to overdose, however, once the right dosage is achieved, it can also be successful in the treatment of opioid addiction.

What is the difference between methadone and buprenorphine?

Buprenorphine, the active ingredient in Suboxone®, and methadone are both opioids and activate opioid receptors in the brain. Both are long acting medications, and that makes them very useful for the purposes of opioid addiction treatment. However, there are very key differences that distinguish these two medications from one another. Buprenorphine is what is called a partial agonist, which means it does not activate receptors to the same level as methadone. The effects felt have a ceiling, meaning they will not reach an excessively high level, no matter how much the dose is increased so are more difficult to abuse. Suboxone® contains naloxone, which acts as an antagonist blocking other opioids. Suboxone®, like other buprenorphine compounds, suppresses withdrawal symptoms and cravings while blocking other opioids, rendering it an effective treatment for opioid dependency.

Methadone is a full opioid agonist with no ceiling effect. This is similar to the way heroin impacts the brain as it is also a full agonist. Methadone can be more easily abused, and it is possible to overdose, however, once the right dosage is achieved, it too can also be successful in the treatment of opioid addiction.

Does MAT replace one addiction with another?

No. Since MAT medications such as buprenorphine target the opioid receptors, some people perpetuate the myth that MAT replaces one opioid addiction with another. They believe that taking MAT medicine instead of other opioids counts as an addiction. In reality, MAT reduces withdrawal symptoms to encourage healthy behaviors and when taken as prescribed, at a therapeutic dose, does not cause euphoria or a "high". Medications such as buprenorphine help patients control their drug-seeking urges so they can build recovery skills. MAT providers such as New England Medical Group give patients the support they need to live a life without opioid misuse.

Will I experience withdrawal during treatment?

Opiate withdrawal can be extremely uncomfortable. Treatment with buprenorphine or a buprenorphine compound is intended to eliminate the discomfort caused by withdrawal, and therefore eliminate the cravings that so often lead to relapse. While you may not feel 100% back to normal during your first days of treatment, you will continue to improve as your dose is stabilized. Your withdrawals will continue to decrease until you are no longer experiencing them at all.

It is important to remember that opiate withdrawal is not life threatening if you are withdrawing only from opiates and not a combination of drugs. Be sure to inform your doctor of any other drugs or medications you may be taking.

How long will I be in treatment?

There is no specified duration of time for a medication-assisted treatment program. Each person’s journey in treatment is unique, and the length of treatment is impacted by a number of factors including how long and how much they used and whether or not they participate in counseling and other recovery support services. Experts indicate that success in medication-assisted treatment is much more likely for those who participate for a minimum of one year.

Can I work or go to school during treatment?

Patients at New England Medical Group receive appointment-based, outpatient care. As a result, you can continue to fulfill your daily obligations while going through treatment.

Can I work or go to school during treatment?

Patients at New England Medical Group receive appointment-based, outpatient care. As a result, you can continue to fulfill your daily obligations while going through treatment.

Is counseling available?

Individual and group counseling options are available at New England Medical Group’s clinic. Those who actively participate in counseling while in a medication-assisted treatment program are significantly more likely to experience success in recovery.

I don’t want anyone to know I’m in treatment. Is my privacy protected?

New England Medical Group abides by HIPAA Privacy Practices and cannot release any of your information without your written consent or a court order signed by a judge. At New England Medical Group, protecting and prioritizing your privacy and confidentiality is a matter of the utmost importance.

What makes the New England Medical Group different than other addiction treatment clinics?

The staff at each and every New England Medical Group clinic is chosen very carefully with special attention paid to their ability to express professional compassion and deliver the highest quality of care. We believe addiction is a disease, and each patient should be treated just as you would if being treated for any other life-threatening disease.

What is a support system?

A support system holds you accountable, encourages you and helps to eliminate the feelings of loneliness through acceptance and hope. It helps to know that others have experiences similar to yours and understand your struggle with addiction. This type of community support can be found through:

• group counseling sessions at a medication-assisted treatment program
• at a 12-step meeting
• in other recovery groups such as sober living houses or IOP

Many individuals who have been struggling with addiction feel very alone. The relationships with family and friends have likely been strained, and some may seem irreparably broken, but it is important to build a strong support group as you work your treatment program. As you begin to heal, your relationships with family and friends can also begin to heal.

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