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Naltrexone Therapy

Naltrexone Therapy

The urge to use substances, even when you want to stop, is related to craving the drug’s effects. Unfortunately, those who have a substance use disorder often get caught up in the process of continually seeking that “high” feeling even when they know it is something that they want to stop. Naltrexone therapy with monthly injections can block those desirable opioid effects to help thwart opioid use.

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Naltrexone Is Widely Prescribed to Patients Who Are Recovering From Substance Use Disorders

The purpose of Vivitrol® (naltrexone) is to prevent patients from relapses after they have successfully completed the detoxification of the withdrawal process. Because Vivitrol® is exclusively designed for patients who have already completed detoxification, Vivitrol® is not administered until later in the recovery process.

Vivitrol® is slowly released into the body through monthly injections. Our experienced physicians safely inject the medication for each patient minimizing the risk of accidental patient injury. This is also proven to be effective when medication is supplemented by counseling, therapy and a strong support system for the patient.

Naltrexone works by binding to the opioid receptors in the brain and concurrently blocking the typical effects other drugs produce, such as euphoria or sedation. Naltrexone is also reported to help curb those opioid cravings that can make abstinence so difficult for someone in recovery. If a person relapses while taking Vivitrol® therapy injections, he or she will not usually feel the effects of the substance.

Comprehensive Addiction Treatment Plan

Recovery from addiction is not something that happens overnight. Even though Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT) with Vivitrol® treatment is an effective component of recovery, it is not a cure-all. Individuals must tend to the psychological or emotional elements of addiction and prior substance abuse.

At New England Medical Group, each patient who comes to us gets a full assessment to determine the best plan of treatment. Whether you or a loved one is seeking help, we will determine if treatment with Vivitrol® is appropriate, but we will also build a therapeutic plan around MAT.

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