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Substance Abuse Treatment Programs

Partial Hospitalization and Intensive Outpatient Program

  1. We offer comprehensive day and evening substance abuse treatment programs. Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is offered Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:30 PM. Our Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is offered during daytime and evening hours. Daytime IOP is 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM Monday – Friday, our evening IOP is offered Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 5:30 PM – 9:30 PM. 

For adults with substance use disorder, New England Medical Group provides multiple levels of care based on the clinical needs of the individual; frequency ranging from three to five days per week. These treatment programs include the following:

-Clinical Assessments

-Individual Therapy

-Group Therapy

-Process Groups

-Relapse Prevention

-Core Skills/DBT Skills Groups

-Mindfulness Groups

-Motivation Enhancement Groups

-Case Management

-Aftercare Planning

 At New England Medical Group, we understand that substance abuse is a chronic health condition and relapse isn’t a sign of failure; but instead, it is simply a sign that a treatment plan needs to be changed or resumed. Having a plan in place for how to handle it is very crucial to us, therefore creating a relapse prevention plan will be a key part of our Day Treatment Program.

Group Psychotherapy

Although it might seem overwhelming at first, group therapy offers benefits which aren’t always given through individual therapy. Considered to be one of the most fulfilling form of treatment, group therapy allows individuals to build a supportive network in which an individual experiences multiple views and perspectives from others who are dealing with the same obstacles. While individual counseling allows the patient to have one on one time to discuss concerns, group therapy gives individuals the opportunity to realize that they are not alone in facing such life challenges, allowing them to openly discuss similar problems with people who can relate.

Group therapy is a safe and positive environment for individuals to engage with others who are going through similar predicaments. Through open discourse amongst the members, individuals begin to develop levels of trust between each other and participate in an honest and meaningful discourse. Getting feedback, encouragement, and perspective from other members of the group is beneficial because it allows you to see the way others are coping with similar situations and learn from their journey.

Prior to attending the group session, counselors individually meet with their clients to gather information about their concerns and understand what form of therapy would be most suitable to them. After determining which route of counseling best fits the patient’s needs, there will be times, dates, and locations set for each session which will accommodate to the patient’s schedule. While there are general groups that are open for everyone, there will be groups designed on targeting specific issues. Once proceeding with this method of therapy, sessions consist of members speaking only with their personal concerns and feelings to one another. Through this, the counselors will lead provoking discussions which will initiate conversation amongst the group members. Groups usually meet for one or two hours a week with the same individuals which will help grow elements of trust and familiarity between the members of the group.

Individual Psychotherapy

The goal of psychotherapy is to provide insight and new perspectives into one’s life to increase the quality of experience. There is a theory of therapy that states that people’s moods are a direct result of their belief systems, including ones we may not at first be consciously aware of. Through gaining insight into past patterns and changing one’s view of the present, people may be able to experience life in a more positive and meaningful way, allowing them to function at their best.

In therapy, our professionals understand that individuals may respond to different forms of therapy in various ways and draw on extensive experience to take into account the client’s personality, the nature of the problem being discussed, and the larger treatment plan.

When working with our clients, the primary goal is to create an emotionally safe environment where any topic or issue can be discussed in a professional and confidential manner.

We use the following modalities:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) focuses on examining the patterns and relationships between thoughts, feelings, and actions that form our life experience. With CBT, clients may learn strategies, skills, and practices to use on an ongoing basis in their lives to increase their quality of experience. CBT has been studied extensively and is scientifically proven to be effective in clinical trials for a variety of disorders.

Psychodynamic Therapy:

Psychodynamic therapy aids clients in achieving higher levels of self-awareness and understanding of how their unconscious thinking may affect their conscious behavior. In this methodology, clients may explore thoughts, feelings, early-life experiences, and patterns of behavior. Psychodynamic therapy can be a tool to metabolize and integrate how past experiences shape current behavior and reach resolution.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy:

An offshoot of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) was created for treating chronically suicidal and self-harming individuals, particularly those with Borderline Personality Disorder. DBT has proven to be effective for BPD, but also can be helpful to a variety of other populations. The term ‘Dialectical’ refers to the central balance in this form of therapy between acceptance and change. DBT may involve learning coping skills for use in daily life, and working on validation and acceptance of uncomfortable thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.

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